Individual Physicians

Coaching is our best practice when we want to develop complex new skills and judgment about how to use them.  We provide coaching for:

  • Leadership Development
  • Professional Renewal
  • Performance Enhancement

The right match is critical to achieving your goals. 

A good coach will structure a learning environment that is empowering, optimistic, and safe.


In addition, a good coach will be able to directly facilitate skills development. This calls for a coach who is knowledgeable and experienced working with organizational dynamics and personal change processes, who understands the unique mindsets of high-achieving individuals in medicine and other professions, and who can customize your learning environment to your unique needs.

Individual Physicians

Coaching is our best practice when we want to develop complex new skills and judgment about how to use them.  We provide coaching for:

  • Leadership Development
  • Professional Renewal
  • Performance Enhancement

The right match is critical to achieving your goals. 

A good coach will structure a learning environment that is empowering, optimistic, and safe.


In addition, a good coach will be able to directly facilitate skills development. This calls for a coach who is knowledgeable and experienced working with organizational dynamics and personal change processes, who understands the unique mindsets of high-achieving individuals in medicine and other professions, and who can customize your learning environment to your unique needs.

Coaching Services

Leadership Development

True leadership success involves expert deployment of specific strategic and communication skills. Working together, we can clarify your goals, understand your stakeholders, find opportunities, and plan effective engagement strategies, so that you can communicate persuasively, and lead with deliberation and confidence.


  • Transitioning to a new global leadership role

    A leader in a global health NGO faced political and management challenges in a new role. We facilitated reflection, problem-solving, and just-in-time management training to help her lead effectively and confidently.

  • Developing leaders' capacity for participatory management...

    Improved the wellbeing of their reporting clinicians.

Professional Renewal

Many clinicians are finding that challenges which were once exciting have become too intense, prolonged or unrewarding, and as a result they have lost resiliency, motivation, and perhaps efficacy.  Relationships may be strained. A coach can help you regain perspective and find the right leverage points for change, so you can improve your morale and regain your belief in the value of what you do.


  • Improving personal engagement

    A prominent clinician and scientist wanted to enjoy a state of “flow” more frequently in his work.  We identified circumstances and self-statements that engaged and stimulated him most, helping him achieve his flow.

  • Recovering from personal trauma

    A successful surgeon was devastated by relationship loss and considered radically different directions.  Through reflection with her coach, she regained perspective and made the right personal and professional decisions for her.

  • Finding a better fit

    A family physician was unhappy in his position.  We helped him explore his current joys and practice preferences, leading him to a job change and greater job satisfaction.

Performance enhancement

All high-achieving individuals at times encounter challenges as their careers and work circumstances evolve. There may come a time when technical excellence is no longer enough, and new complementary skills (e.g. strategic planning, persuasive communication) may be necessary to continue to pursue excellence. A coach can help you identify and resolve barriers to full realization of your ambitions.


Or, you or your organization may want to improve your professional performance. There may be conflicts at work, or lags in productivity or timeliness. A coach can help you make changes to your work life and develop the self-management and interpersonal skills you will need to perform at your best.


  • Improving civility

    An academic pathologist was asked to improve her ability to manage anger.  We provided customized coaching in conflict resolution and self-management to quickly develop smoother collegial relationships.

  • Growing client relationship management from good to great

    An advisor to biotech startups wished to improve his client relationship skills. He credits our coaching with enabling him to become a leading regional advisor to biotech startups.

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